'Henrik Johansen' wrote:
>'Marcello Romani' wrote:
>>Il 01/12/2010 16:04, Henrik Johansen ha scritto:
>>>Hi folks,
>>>I did prepare a paper for this years "Bacula Konferenz 2010" about doing
>>>large scale, high peformance disk-to-disk backups with Bacula but
>>>unfortunately my workload prohibited me from submitting.
>>>I have turned the essence of the paper into a few blog posts which will
>>>explain our setup, why we chose Bacula over the competetion (IBM,
>>>Symanted and CommVault) and give some real world numbers from our Bacula
>>>The first post is out now if people should be interested and can be found 
>>>here :
>>>The remaining posts will follow over the next month or so.
>>Very interesting. I'm looking seriously at bacula, although for a much
>>smaller setup than yours (to say the least). Your first post got me very
>>interested. I hope to read soom the other chapters of the tale...
>Part II is online now.

Part III is now also online.

>>Marcello Romani
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>>Bacula-users mailing list
>Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards
>Henrik Johansen
>Tlf. 75 53 35 00
>ScanNet Group
>A/S ScanNet

Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards

Henrik Johansen
Tlf. 75 53 35 00

ScanNet Group
A/S ScanNet 

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