On 01/12/2010 01:49, Dan Langille wrote:
> On 11/30/2010 11:09 AM, Matthew Seaman wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We have a setup with two storage director machines at different
>> locations.  Most of the clients are in one hosting center, and use the
>> local SD, while several are scattered at various locations around the
>> net and use the other SD. There's a single director driving all this,
>> and one catalogue for everything.
>> One annoying feature we've noticed is that should the 2nd SD block
>> [which has happened due to filling up a partition] it holds up all
>> backups to the 1st SD.  Is there any way of avoiding this effect?  I
>> can't see why a failure backing up client X to SD 2 should prevent
>> client Y from backing up to SD 1.
> (hello Matthew)
> What version of Bacula are you using?

5.0.3 -- mostly on Centos 5 but with occasional Debian clients and
a few FreeBSD boxes (one of the SDs, but the one involved in all the
trouble is running Centos)

# yum list installed | grep bacula
bacula-bat.x86_64                         5.0.3-1
bacula-libs.x86_64                        5.0.3-1
bacula-postgresql.x86_64                  5.0.3-1

> Can you show us the emails for the jobs that cause this problem?

Hmmm... Let me see.  Here's an example of a machine being held up.
It's not very informative really -- looks completely normal, except the
start time is delayed by about 18h:

30-Nov 15:57 bacula-dir01.lon.squiz.co.uk- JobId 7922: Start Backup
JobId 7922, Job=staff-cms01_FS.2010-11-29_21.30.00_18
30-Nov 15:57 bacula-dir01.lon.squiz.co.uk- JobId 7922: Using Device
30-Nov 15:57 staff-cms01.squiz.co.uk-fd JobId 7922: shell command: run
ClientRunBeforeJob "/usr/local/squizuk/bin/dontbackup.sh"
30-Nov 16:00 staff-cms01.squiz.co.uk-fd JobId 7922:      Disallowed
filesystem. Will not descend from / into /lib/init/rw
30-Nov 16:01 staff-cms01.squiz.co.uk-fd JobId 7922:      Disallowed
filesystem. Will not descend from / into /sys
30-Nov 16:04 bacula-sd01.squiz.co.uk-sd JobId 7922: Job write elapsed
time = 00:07:40, Transfer rate = 3.615 M Bytes/second
30-Nov 16:07 bacula-dir01.lon.squiz.co.uk- JobId 7922: Bacula
bacula-dir01.lon.squiz.co.uk- 5.0.3 (04Aug10): 30-Nov-2010 16:07:58
  Build OS:               x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat
  JobId:                  7922
  Job:                    staff-cms01_FS.2010-11-29_21.30.00_18
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 "staff-cms01.squiz.co.uk-fd" 5.0.2 (28Apr10)
  FileSet:                "Squiz mini FileSet" 2010-10-07 13:39:49
  Pool:                   "squizuk Pool" (From Job resource)
  Catalog:                "SquizUK" (From Client resource)
  Storage:                "squizuk.Storage" (From Pool resource)
  Scheduled time:         29-Nov-2010 21:30:00
  Start time:             30-Nov-2010 15:57:13
  End time:               30-Nov-2010 16:07:58
  Elapsed time:           10 mins 45 secs
  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       50,702
  SD Files Written:       50,702
  FD Bytes Written:       1,642,749,568 (1.642 GB)
  SD Bytes Written:       1,663,142,853 (1.663 GB)
  Rate:                   2546.9 KB/s
  Software Compression:   19.4 %
  VSS:                    no
  Encryption:             yes
  Accurate:               yes
  Volume name(s):         squizuk-0098
  Volume Session Id:      317
  Volume Session Time:    1290704982
  Last Volume Bytes:      105,574,812,148 (105.5 GB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Backup OK

30-Nov 16:07 bacula-dir01.lon.squiz.co.uk- JobId 7922: Begin pruning
Jobs older than 14 days .
30-Nov 16:08 bacula-dir01.lon.squiz.co.uk- JobId 7922: Pruned 2 Jobs for
client staff-cms01.squiz.co.uk-fd from catalog.
30-Nov 16:08 bacula-dir01.lon.squiz.co.uk- JobId 7922: Begin pruning Jobs.
30-Nov 16:08 bacula-dir01.lon.squiz.co.uk- JobId 7922: No Files found to
30-Nov 16:08 bacula-dir01.lon.squiz.co.uk- JobId 7922: End auto prune.

The run-before job is a one-liner script where an admin can create a
file as a way of temporarily blocking the nightly backups without
needing access to the bacula configs.  In the normal course of events it
doesn't do anything.



Matthew Seaman
Systems Administrator
E msea...@squiz.co.uk

Squiz Ltd. A Zetland House, 109-123 Clifton Street, London EC2A 4LD
P +44 (0) 207 101 8300 F +44 (0) 870 112 3394 W www.squiz.co.uk



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