>>>>> On Tue, 23 Nov 2010 16:34:00 -0800, brodie  said:
> Hello,
> I am having issues trying to restore to a different client and storage
> device then originally did the backup job.
> In our setup we have 1 director, 2 clients and 2 storage devices.
> I can restore fine if I run the restore job using the same storage
> device that backed it up, the problem I'm having is when I take the
> tape to our other site using the other storage device.
> Essentially this is the procedure I am following
> - Run restore job.
> - Specify job to restore
> - Mark files to restore
> - Choose my restore job profile
> - Change the client to the client I want to restore to
> - Change the storage device to the device I want to restore to
> - Run
> It then starts the job but the job waits with the message "job... is
> waiting on max Storage jobs".  Just to be clear this is the only job
> that is running.
> After having tried this same procedure over and over I finally noticed
> that the restore job writes a bootstrap record. This bootstrap record
> is written before the part where I can change the client and storage
> device. This results in the bootstrap file containing the incorrect
> storage device, even though I am modifying the job parameters and
> specifying a different one. Is this a bug or am I not understanding
> the use of the bootstrap file? How can it be written before the user
> is allowed to modify the backup job parameters?
> I have tried manually editing the file to reflect the storage device I
> want to use, as well as deleting the file completely and seeing if it
> notices. Either method result in the same "... is waiting on max
> Storage jobs"
> Any tips? Suggestions?

Do the two storage devices have the same MediaType (they should)?

You could try

restore storage=...

Otherwise, it sounds like a bug, so you could file a bug report.


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