On 11/18/2010 9:09 AM, Alan Brown wrote:
> I have one particular restore which only brings back ~11,500 files out
> of 980,000 on a full backup.
> Using Bextract and attempting to restore the job that way gives the same
> result.
> There are no errors except that the job was expecting a lot more files
> than actually came back.
> The odd thing is that stracing and debugging shows that the blocks on
> the tape are being read fine, as are the files on it, but they're simply
> not being extracted to disk.
> Subsequent and previous full backups for the same job work fine.
> Backups and restores attempted on 64-bit linux, using Bacula 5.0.3
> Has anyone else seen this behaviour?

Any resolution?

Dan Langille - http://langille.org/

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