I'm running WinXP and trying to set up a test backup to a DVD-R using 
Bacula/Win 3.0.3a (the latest precompiled Win version I could 
find).  Most things seem to be running, but I'm having a device 
problem with my DVD writer.  Perhaps someone could help me figure out 
what I'm doing wrong?

Here's my Storage:Device resource:
Device {
        Name = "test1"
        Archive Device = "E:"
        Device Type = DVD
        Media Type = "DVD"
        Always Open = No
        Removable Media = Yes
        Random Access = Yes
        Requires Mount = No
        Mount Point = "E:"
        Mount Command = ""
        Unmount Command = ""
        Write Part Command = "C:\\PROGRAM FILES\\Bacula\\bin\\dvd-handler %a 
write %e %v"
        Free Space Command = "C:\\PROGRAM FILES\\Bacula\\bin\\dvd-handler %a 

* The Storage Daemon status report tells me:
Device status:
Device "test1" (E:) is not open.

* Using the Console to try to LABEL a fresh DVD-R results in:
Sending label command for Volume "test1" Slot 0 ...
Jmsg Job=*System* type=3 level=1289168640 hubble-sd: Fatal Error at 
/home/kern/bacula/k/bacula/src/stored/dev.c:625 because:
The DVD in device "test1" (E:) contains data, please blank it before writing.
3910 Unable to open device "test1" (E:): ERR=The DVD in device 
"test1" (E:) contains data, please blank it before writing.
Label command failed for Volume test1.

* Changing Archive Device to CDRom1 doesn't help.
* Changing Always Open to Yes doesn't affect anything.
* Changing Requires Mount to Yes keeps SD from starting.
* Changing the Mount Point to "E:/" or "E:\\" doesn't affect anything.
* Trying to Mount the device gives a "success" message, but doesn't 
change anything.

Has anyone got any ideas about what I might be able to try?


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