
> rorycl :
> It seems to be a good approach to a possible solution I will try later!

Data spooling will not help you in this case as it's done on the SD and
your bottleneck is between the client and the SD.

What errors are you getting exactly? AFAIK in this situation Bacula
should just warn you that some files have changed during the backup.

Whether this is a problem or not depends largely on what kind of data
you are backing up and what level of consistency you're trying to
achieve. For regular log files, which only get appended to, this issue
is generally non-existent as a sequential copy of the file will always
yield a consistent (albeit possibly incomplete) result.

Things are quite different if you absolutely require a coherent snapshot
of the whole backup set at a given time, but in this case you need some
kind of support at the filesystem or block device level.

> To be more specific, the folder that I try to backup isnĀ“t big (200mb only), 
> and particular his log is about 66 mb.

This is not directly related to your question, but I think you should
really consider setting up some log rotation/truncation policy. Apart
from the backup issue, how are you going to manage a 66MB monolithic log


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