Thanks a lot, it works !


Stéphane Cesbron
Responsable Régional Informatique,
INSERM Délégation Régionale Grand-Ouest,

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Le 20/10/2010 09:45, Damian Ge;bicki a écrit :
> Stéphane Cesbron wrote:
>>   Thanks for your reply.
>> I know that I don't need BAT on the server that runs bacula. 
>> Nevertheless it will be easier as I am really new to bacula.
>> Tonight I retried to install qt4 which was already installed.
>> I think that I found what causes the trouble.
>> It has to come with the settings of environment variables.
>> In fact, I've got two different installations of qt on my box
>> - qt-3.3 installed in /usr/lib64/qt-3.3
>> - qt4 installed in /usr/lib64/qt4
> I wonder why you don't use depkgs from 
> (depkgs-qt-28Jul09.tar.gz).
> Its working fine.

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