On 10/8/2010 12:13 PM, Eduardo Júnior wrote:
> Hi
> On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 12:08 PM, Martin Simmons<mar...@lispworks.com>  wrote:
>>> But in this way, i always would need change 'Address' in Client Section
>>> But is it possible I have multiples 'Address' in Client Section,
>>> that when the first one fail, the second one is used?
>> No, you can only have one Address in the Client section.
>> However, I think you can use Address = my-server and have multiple addresses
>> in the DNS for my-server.  Bacula will use the first address that accepts a
>> connection so you need to ensure that the DNS server returns the addresses in
>> a fixed order (server1 first).
> Ok, I get it. But I continue with manual work, having to change the
> order of the A records.

You don't, your DNS server does.  But that's not important right now...

> Then, as I can only have one Address in the Client section, the best
> alternative is
> create a virtual IP, that automatically change between server1 and
> server2 according to
> availability, and in the Client section I point to that IP.

A virtual IP or a hostname?

When one server takes over from the other, how do the clients connect to 
the right host?  Isn't this the same problem?

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