>> Compare against a stock, non tuned, Bacula install. Are you
>> going between building where you get the slow transfer speed?
>> UCSC has 1 Gb links between buildings from my recollection. The
>> link to the outside world is not much more than that. Bacula
>> also has a batch mode which you can twiddle around with.
> For the slowest backup job, the two servers are sitting in the same rack on 
> the same gigabit switch.  The fastest client actually is in a different 
> building.  Yes, we have 1Gb between buildings here, but out Internet 
> connection was recently upgraded to 10Gb (not that it really applies to this 
> situation anyhow).
> I found some Google hits that talked about batch mode, but no documentation 
> that tells me how to enable it.  Can you provide a link?
The "batch" mode is a compiling option and is described in the manual 
below. I recall this *might* be helpful in speeding up handling of many, 
small files.

This option enables batch inserts of the attribute records (default) in 
the catalog database, which is much faster (10 times or more) than 
without this option for large numbers of files.


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