On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 3:00 PM, Romer Ventura <rvent...@h-st.com> wrote:
> How can i manually mark the tape as Used...? I havent been able to find it

update volume

then follow the prompts to change the Status.

jmd0 ~ # bconsole
Connecting to Director jmd0:9101
1000 OK: jmd0-dir Version: 5.0.3 (04 August 2010)
Enter a period to cancel a command.
Automatically selected Catalog: MyCatalog
Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
Update choice:
     1: Volume parameters
     2: Pool from resource
     3: Slots from autochanger
     4: Long term statistics
Choose catalog item to update (1-4): 1
Parameters to modify:
     1: Volume Status
     2: Volume Retention Period
     3: Volume Use Duration
     4: Maximum Volume Jobs
     5: Maximum Volume Files
     6: Maximum Volume Bytes
     7: Recycle Flag
     8: Slot
     9: InChanger Flag
    10: Volume Files
    11: Pool
    12: Volume from Pool
    13: All Volumes from Pool
    14: All Volumes from all Pools
    15: Enabled
    16: RecyclePool
    17: Action On Purge
    18: Done
Select parameter to modify (1-18):

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