this is a reference to the version entry in "Version Table" of bacula database 
(catalog)  under mysql

updating your bacula database may resolve the problem

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Daniel beas 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 9:48 PM
  Subject: [Bacula-users] Problem with webacula

  Hi to all.
  I'm trying to install webacula but after do all tha config i get the next 

Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'Zend_Exception' with message 'Version error 
for Catalog database (wanted 12, got 11) ' in 
/var/www/webacula/html/index.php:183Stack trace:#0 {main}  thrown in 
/var/www/webacula/html/index.php on line 183I have to mention that when i run 
the script to check system requeriments and i get all right (but PostgreSQL 
because i'm running bacula with mysql).

  #!/usr/bin/php Check System Requirements... Current MySQL version = 5.0.45 OK 
Current PostgreSQL version = Warning. Upgrade your PostgreSQL version to 8.0.0 
or later Current Sqlite version = 3.4.2 OK Current PHP version = 5.2.4 OK php 
pdo installed. OK php gd installed. OK php xml installed. OK php dom installed. 
OK php pdo_mysql installed. OK php pdo_pgsql installed. OK php-dom, php-xml 
installed. OK 

  Actually im running bacula 3.03 and webacula 5.0 in the director and i don't 
have any idea what can be wrong.
  I don't know if i have provided all the information required, if i'm missing 
something i'll be so thanked you to tell me.

  Thanks in advance

  Daniel Beas Enriquez


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