I changed the TCP KeepAlive (60) of the server, and I configured Heartbeat
Interval to 10 in:
- bacula-dir (director section, client section and storage section)
- bacula-sd
- bacula-fd
Now, I'm getting the following error:
29-Sep 14:38 SEC.srvarq09 JobId 1106: Generate VSS snapshots. Driver="VSS
Vista", Drive(s)="CE"
29-Sep 16:12 SRVBACULA-dir JobId 1106: Fatal error: Network error with FD
during Backup: ERR=Connection reset by peer
29-Sep 16:12 SRVBACULA-sd JobId 1106: JobId=1106
Job="SEC.srvarq09.2010-09-29_14.37.36_18" marked to be canceled.
29-Sep 16:12 SRVBACULA-dir JobId 1106: Fatal error: No Job status returned
from FD.
29-Sep 16:12 SRVBACULA-dir JobId 1106: Error: Bacula SRVBACULA-dir 5.0.1
(24Feb10): 29-Sep-2010 16:12:44
Build OS: x86_64-suse-linux-gnu suse 11.1
Client: "SEC.srvarq09" 5.0.2 (28Apr10)
Start time: 29-Sep-2010 14:37:38
End time: 29-Sep-2010 16:12:44
Elapsed time: 1 hour 35 mins 6 secs
It takes 1 hour and 35 min.
2010/9/28 John Drescher <dresche...@gmail.com>
> On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 3:20 PM, Joseph L. Casale
> <jcas...@activenetwerx.com> wrote:
> >>Are you spooling? Try a 5GB spool file.
> >
> > Doubt that's the issue, I am writing to a raid array w/ max jobs=1, not
> tapes, so it would
> > be merely redundant for me and I am also having the issue.
> >
> > I recall Kern suggesting the VSS code was very old, so I tried running
> for a week w/o vss
> > and it didn't help.
> >
> Does this (network timeout) happen randomly or is it predictable?
> John
Alípio Luiz [Squidy] | Brasil - Cuiabá/MT
Email: alipio.luizΘgmail.com <http://alipio.xn--luizgmail-tzg.com>
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