> I need to improve performance of a Job which backups 1500000 files (mail
> and File Server).
> I was compressing the files on disk in some tgz files first (tar and
> gzip) ,then backuping then on tape with Bacula, i was getting about:
> Job write elapsed time = 00:32:16, Transfer rate = 44.93 M Bytes/second
> Because disks space constraints i have to delete the compressed files on
> disk and backup direct to tape, then i am getting about:
> Job write elapsed time = 03:56:37, Transfer rate = 11.71 M Bytes/second
> I think i am getting worst performance because of ramdon disk access
> speed, is that true?
> The Tape (LTO4) and Bacula Storage Daemon and Director are on different
> server than the file and mail server i am backuping up.
> Could someone has some suggestions about improving speed from Bacula or
> from filesystem tuning?
> Does Bacula software compression might help on this?

Software compression will only slow things down. HW compression
happens on the tape drive and the tape drive is capable of compressing
at at lest 120MB/s.
> I Have a HP E200 SAS Disk Controller with 512MB (with Battery Write
> Cache) in a Raid 5 LVM (File and Mail Server).

Do you have spooling on? Attribute spooling will greatly reduce the
load on the database. Instead of adding an entry in the database for
each file as the file is backed up the datbase is updated after the
job completes. Data spooling can however slow down an individual job
(since spooling and despooling are not concurrent) but it will speed
up the situation where you have more than 1 job you want to run. There
are many theories on what spool size to use, I use 5GB. So bacula
reads 5GB of data to the spool then stops the reading from disk and
writes that 5 GB to the tape. Since I have multiple clients I run
several jobs concurrently so I get closer to the full bandwith out of
my dual drive LTO2 archive. Each tape drive is writing at 30 to 45
MB/s for most of the time while my backups are in progress.


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