I need some help coming up with a good backup strategy for our
situation. I have about 10TB of user home directories(and about the
same for lab shares). I've gone through the manual, tutorials, etc and
have gotten the basics of Bacula working. I have it setup using our
SL48 and its currently backing up /home(and automatically swapping
tapes as it needs, awesome), but its been over a week and its just
about done. The tape library has two LTO4 drives(120MB/s I've read). I
need some ideas on how to multiplex this backup job so that 1) it uses
both drives and 2) has as much data as these drives can take pouring
into them, since this is taking too long to do a backup. I've read a
little bit about multiplexing and an issue is the speed of reading
back the tape, but I feel in our case this isnt too much of an issue,
its more important to keep a full backup as close to the present then
how long it might take to restore from it.


Personally, I liked the university. They gave us money and facilities,
we didn't have to produce anything! You've never been out of college!
You don't know what it's like out there! I've worked in the private
sector. They expect results. -Ray Ghostbusters

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