Am 14.09.2010 08:36, schrieb Silver Salonen:
> Hello.
> I use Bacula 5.0.2 on FreeBSD 8.0. I have a huge archive-type backup that has 
> no full backup in its schedule:
> Schedule {
>         Name = Archive
>         Run = Level=Differential 1st fri at 23:05
>         Run = Level=Incremental 2nd-5th fri at 23:05
>         Run = Level=Incremental sat-thu at 23:05
> }
> The job builds its fileset dynamically with "/usr/bin/find /path/to/backup 
> -type f -mtime +90d -print" - it takes a while, but does its job. From 
> time-to-time the job just gets upgraded to full.. like today:
> 13-Sep 23:05 velvet-dir JobId 9135: 13-Sep 23:05 velvet-dir JobId 9135: No 
> prior or suitable Full backup found in catalog. Doing FULL backup.
> 13-Sep 23:05 velvet-dir JobId 9135: Start Backup JobId 9135, 
> Job=userdata-archive.2010-09-13_23.05.01_05
> Any ideas why this happens?
> Is there a way to continue with incremental backups once such a full backup 
> has been cancelled (eg. modifying Bacula DB manually)? It would really hurt 
> to start from scratch with this archive.


did you set "Ignore FileSet Changes = yes" in your FileSet's
"Options"-Section? If not, the job level will be elevated to full, if
the FileSet changes.

Christian Manal

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