Tobias Brink <> writes:

> So I still don't know how to proceed.  Apart from that I will try to
> upgrade my director and sd to 5.0.2 as soon as Debian backports are
> available and see if the problem goes away.  I will also re-run the
> DiskToCatalog after my next differential backup and see if something
> is different.

I did re-run DiskToCatalog after a new differential backup and wrote a
small Python script to compare the files which are reported to have a
different SHA1 than in the catalog.  There is only one new file which is
reported to have a different SHA1 sum (but it comes from a Debian
package and its MD5 sum is the same as the one contained in the .deb).
So I guess most of these files simply have a wrong sum in the catalog
since some time for some reason (I _did_ have a somewhat flaky RAID 5
setup on the client some time ago).

I will keep watching this but if no new errors occur I will assume it is
an old error still lingering around.  Is there a way to update the SHA1
sums of the files in the catalog without doing a complete new full


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