On 23/08/2010 7:39 PM, James Harper wrote:
> If I schedule a copy job immediately after a backup job (eg like 1
> second after), when does the selection actually get done? I want the
> copy to be of the job that is running now, but I think that the
> selection happens when the job is queued not when it is ready to run so
> it would not see the job that is running now... does that sound right?
> Thanks
> James
Yes, I also found that the selection criteria happens at scheduled time rather 
execution time.
I used an Admin job to get around it.
In my case I have the following two jobs to handle my copy job:

Job {
   Name = "ScheduleOffsite"
   JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
   Type = Admin
   Schedule = "OffsiteBackupSchedule"
   RunAfterJob = "/bin/sh -c \"/bin/echo 'run job=OffsiteBackup yes' \| 

Job {
   Name = "OffsiteBackup"
   JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
   Type = Copy
   Level = Full
   # Uses the 'Next Pool' definition from FullPool for where to write the 
copies to.
   Pool = FullPool
   # Use SQL to select the most recent (successful) Full backup for each job 
written to the FullPool pool.
   Selection Type = SQLQuery
   Selection Pattern = "SELECT MAX(Job.JobId) FROM Job, Pool WHERE Job.Level = 
'F' and Job.Type = 'B' and Job.JobStatus = 'T' and Pool.Name = 'FullPool' and 
Job.PoolId = Pool.PoolId GROUP BY Job.Name ORDER BY Job.JobId;"
   Allow Duplicate Jobs = yes
   Allow Higher Duplicates = no

The Admin job is the one I put in the schedule behind a Virtual Full backup job 
that I run at the end of each week.
That way the "OffsiteBackup" job doesn't get a chance to run until it is ready 
to execute.
Then the SQL selection will execute at the correct time, once the most recent 
Virtual Full backups are complete.


Jim Barber
DDI Health

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