> If I have a multi LTO4 tape backup running that will require swapping tapes 
> (i.e. it will use all of the tapes in the autochanger and require a few 
> more), is there any way during the job for the operator to tell Bacula to 
> pause once it finishes filling the current tape?
> The idea, I know I'm going to need to swap out / in two more tapes AND I know 
> that the existing tapes won't fill up until 3 AM, why not let it finish 
> writing the first 2 tapes, pause it, swap the first 2 tapes with new tapes, 
> label them, mount the 3rd tape and let the job resume. The alternative, the 
> backup will be idle from 3 AM until the next work day waiting for the 
> operator to perform the swap.
I assume you have only 1 LTO4 drive otherwise this would not be a
problem. I swap magazines all the time with jobs running on 1 drive
and use label barcodes on the open drive.

No you can not pause the backup and I do not think you can run label
barcodes when bacula is asking for a tape. There is a way to label new
tapes automatically without running label barcodes. I have never used
that however.


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