Thanks both for responding,
Seems I was too impatient, as it must not have been fully finished
(even though bscan command had returned to a command prompt).  After
leaving it a few more hours i checked the jobid again, and this time
it was able to list the dir structure of the backup.

However, the required file wasn't there.  Appears it wasn't on the
machine during that backup.  We're now reverting to an old LTO1 backup
from our previous backup product.

Once i get the file back, I'll turn my attention to re-evaluating my
understanding of retention periods, etc, in bacula as this has been an
uncomfortable process so far, with concerns now over our backup

I certainly don't think it's bacula, but, like any complex product,
it's very easy to get the config slightly wrong, with various
consequences, and there's a lot at stake.

I'll post some assumptions/questions once I'm complete, and would
appreciate confirmation of my understandings.

Thanks so much for assistance so far.


On 19 August 2010 14:39, stephen mulcahy <> wrote:
> John Drescher wrote:
>> When you run bscan sometimes you need to disable File and Job
>> retention before restarting bacula-dir so it does not reapply the old
>> File and Job retention at startup. However I am concerned with the
>> error message in bscan.
> If bscan doesn't work, perhaps you could use bextract to dump the files
> directly from tape to a location on disk?
> -stephen
> --
> Stephen Mulcahy     Atlantic Linux
> Registered in Ireland, no. 376591 (144 Ros Caoin, Roscam, Galway)

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