I am trying do do my first installation of Bacula 5.0.2, but I am running into 
trouble with the connection between bacula-dir and Mysql.
I tried running bacula-dir with debug:

backup:~ # /opt/bacula-5.0.2/sbin/bacula-dir -d 100 -f
bacula-dir: dird.c:184-0 Debug level = 100
bacula-dir: bsys.c:511-0 Could not open state file. sfd=-1 size=192: ERR=No 
such file or directory
bacula-dir: mysql.c:100-0 db_open first time
bacula-dir: mysql.c:129-0 initdb ref=1 connected=0 db=0
bacula-dir: mysql.c:165-0 mysql_init done
bacula-dir: mysql.c:186-0 mysql_real_connect done
bacula-dir: mysql.c:188-0 db_user=bacula db_name=bacula db_password=XXXXXXXXXXX
bacula-dir: mysql.c:198-0 Error 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL 
server through socket '/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
bacula-dir: dird.c:950 Could not open Catalog "MyCatalog", database "bacula".
bacula-dir: dird.c:955 mysql.c:194 Unable to connect to MySQL server.
Database=bacula User=bacula
MySQL connect failed either server not running or your authorization is 
bacula-dir: mysql.c:235-0 closedb ref=0 connected=0 db=0
14-Aug 21:26 bacula-dir ERROR TERMINATION
Please correct configuration file: bacula-dir.conf

I think the problem are the socket file above. I have configured the Mysql 
server as a Mysql multi installation to be able to run several Mysql instances, 
which means I am not using the default socket file.

The relevant part of my my.cnf:

port       = 3306
datadir    = /mysql/bacula
pid-file   = /var/lib/mysql/mysqld1.pid
socket     = /var/lib/mysql/mysqld1.sock
user       = mysql

The catalog configuration from bacula-dir.conf:

# Generic catalog service
Catalog {
  Name = MyCatalog
# Uncomment the following line if you want the dbi driver
# dbdriver = "dbi:mysql"; dbaddress =; dbport = 3306
  dbname = "bacula"
  dbuser = "bacula"
  dbpassword = "XXXXXXXXX"

Is it possible to configure the bacula-dir to use a non standard socket file or 
even better, to connect over tcp ?

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