On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 9:43 AM, Proskurin Kirill
<proskurin...@fxclub.org> wrote:
> On 10/08/10 14:33, Thomas Mueller wrote:
>> did you change the pool definition after the volumes were created? if so,
>> you need to use "upate volume" in the bacula console.
>> If you do everyday a backup you need to change the "Volume Retention" to
>> something lower than 7 days because the retention is counted from the
>> last written date.
> Can you be more detail here? I need to make it less then 7 to make it
> recycle?
> Im little confused about all Bacula retention policy...
If you only have 7 volumes and 7 days on  the second week the first
tape used will not be available (actually no tapes will be available)
because the retention period starts after the the volume is marked
Full or Used. So that is after the jobs are executed on the volume.


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