>>>>> On Thu, 5 Aug 2010 11:46:27 +0200, news only said:
> Martin Simmons schrieb:
> > What is the size of the job in bytes?
> exactly 28321715406 B (approx 27 GB)

OK, that is very close to the total number of 64512 byte blocks recorded in
VolIndex 1 to 6, so I think those rows represent the whole job (nothing
missing or extra).

> +------------+-----------+----------+------------+------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+----------+
> | VolumeName | MediaType | VolIndex | JobMediaId | FirstIndex | LastIndex | 
> StartFile | EndFile | StartBlock | EndBlock |
> +------------+-----------+----------+------------+------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+----------+
> | KYE713L4   | LTO-4     |        1 |        356 |          1 |    101610 |   
>     246 |     246 |          0 |    77503 |
> | KYE713L4   | LTO-4     |        2 |        357 |     101610 |    116651 |   
>     247 |     247 |          0 |    77503 |
> | KYE713L4   | LTO-4     |        3 |        358 |     116651 |    126690 |   
>     248 |     248 |          0 |    77503 |
> | KYE713L4   | LTO-4     |        4 |        359 |     126690 |    151467 |   
>     249 |     249 |          0 |    77503 |
> | KYE713L4   | LTO-4     |        5 |        360 |     151467 |    169844 |   
>     250 |     250 |          0 |    77503 |
> | KYE713L4   | LTO-4     |        6 |        361 |     169844 |    292514 |   
>     251 |     251 |          0 |    51961 |
> | KYE713L4   | LTO-4     |        7 |        913 |          1 |    292514 |   
>       0 |     251 |          0 |    51961 |
> +------------+-----------+----------+------------+------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+----------+
> Well! Does the big gap in JobMediaId indicate that in fact this session
> was "bscanned" though it wasn't already purged?

Yes, it is very likely.  It looks like bscan creates only one JobMedia record
per job and its StartFile is always 0.

> Deleting the extra entries won't be a problem. Thanks a lot for putting
> me in the right direction! My problem is solved, but there seems to be
> an error somewhere in the bscan routines

Bscan has some limitations, but they are not all documented (or known!).


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