On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 4:10 PM, Mister IT Guru <misteritg...@gmx.com> wrote:
> On 24/07/10 19:57, Joseph L. Casale wrote:
>>> What would be a method of restoring a remote linux based server to it
>>> last full backup, (or even it's first!). Is such a move possible?
>> Got a management card in it:)?
>> Seriously, there are a few ways all not without big chance. You can create
>> a default grub entry to boot into an instance that doesn't mount your 
>> destination
>> root, instead it has what it needs copied into /boot. Or if you have lots of 
>> space,
>> restore to a new disc then adjust grub...
>> Hard to suggest an approach not knowing your hardware etc...
> I was thinking of a general approach, one that can be run on any linux
> box - my end result would be something like, run a restore job on the
> target client, and have it reboot, and it's now how it was when I took
> it's first backup. It seems a full environment may be needed.

A custom livecd with bacula on it and some predefined setup should go
pretty far on this.
John M. Drescher

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