>>>>> On Mon, 19 Jul 2010 16:06:27 +0100, Rory Campbell-Lange said:
> As part of our intended audit process of a backup set we'd like to
> extract a file from each tape from which a backup set is composed.
> Is there a way of learning which tape holds a particular file (or
> vice-versa)? I assume this is how retrievals work, but it isn't that
> obvious in the database schema (I'm using Postgres):
> \d File
>        Column   |  Type   
>     ------------+---------
>      fileid     | bigint   (Primary Key)
>      fileindex  | integer  (File sequence number in job)
>      jobid      | integer  (Link to Job Record)
>      pathid     | integer  (Link to Path Record)
>      filenameid | integer  (Link to Filename Record)
>      markid     | integer  (Used to mark files during Verify Jobs)
>      lstat      | text     (attributes in base64 encoding)
>      md5        | text     (MD5 signature in base64 encoding)
> I can get from File back to Filename and Path, and from File to Job. It isn't
> clear how one gets from there to Media.
> What is the SQL relationship from the File table to the Media table?

The JobMedia table is used to map from jobid + fileindex to mediaid +
(tape-)file + (tape-)block.


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