On 19/07/10 15:09, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> On 07/18/10 14:40, Joseph L. Casale wrote:
>>> I have a fair number of failed jobs in my database, and I would like to
>>> know is it possible to purge all the bad backups, so that all the
>>> diskspace that has been taken up can be released?
>> from bconsole, `del jobid=#`.
>> If you have many, an sql query to look for JOB ID's with FAILED status piped
>> out might be your ticket.
> Be aware that this will not reduce the size of your disk volumes, unless
> you're running a one-job-per-volume scheme.  If you're getting a lot of
> job failures, and want to replicate only the good jobs, your best bet is
> probably to migrate the good jobs to a new Pool and then replicate only
> those.
I think I'm beginning to understand a bit more now. I setup my bacula 
setup as a test, and I expanded out from there. Once I create a new 
pool, and then migrate all the good jobs to that pool, all that good 
data is saved, but I guess if a volume has part of a bad job on it, then 
that stays as well, but I'm pretty sure that I have one job per volume, 
so I should only get good data that way.

At this point, I guess I have a new question, which would be, if I no 
longer need a pool anymore, what's the best way to nuke it from the 
database? Or will it be empty anyway, once all the remaining jobs, which 
are bad are removed from it?

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