Hi all...

I have use bacula till Febrary and it's work perfectly to my lan...
I have an HD with 2 TB to storage tha files...
However, now I have one file that bacula use to do a Full Backup and
this file grown up to 1,1 TB... 
This the Pool that I use:

Pool {

        Name = Full-Pool
        Pool Type = Backup
        Recycle = yes
        Recycle Oldest Volume = yes
        AutoPrune = yes
        Volume Retention = 30 days
        Maximum Volume Jobs = 5
        Label Format = Full-

Although I define Volume Retention to 30 days, the file continue
So, my question is: How can delete some file from this file???

Thanks for any advice...

Gilberto Nunes

Selbetti Gestão de Documentos
Telefone: +55 (47) 3441-6004
Celular: +55 (47) 8861-6672

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