Bob Hetzel wrote:
>I've never been able to get the bare-metal restore to work doing a restore
>starting from a Live CD.  I last tried it over a year ago and people
>responded a while later saying they got it to work that way and they would
>update a web page with said info but it appears never to have happened.
>That would be far simpler than messing with the windows ASR disks.  I was
>able to get the files restored but couldn't make the system fully windows
>bootable.  If anybody has done some recent bare-metal restoring for
>windows, please update the wiki page or put up another page somewhere else
>and link to it.

We currently have ~300 Windows servers under Bacula control with many
more to come. I can assure you that BMR of Windows 2003 on similar
hardware is not a problem when using a BartPE liveCD. 

On dissimilar hardware we have had good luck with reinstalling onto a VM
(or even onto another physical box with a little help of StorageCraft)

We have done countless restore tests of Domain Controllers, SQL servers, etc -
all without any major issues.

We had 2 day PoC with Bacula Systems earlier this year - the responsible 
support engineer from BS promised to put our joint notes on the wiki.

>Also, there have been conflicting messages posted on here about whether
>bacula restores windows junction points in the current version or if it
>still just complains about not wanting to back them up (it still complains
>but I don't know for sure if that means it doesn't want to traverse through
>them or if it's actually backing up the junction point as a special file
>system item at all).

I have yet to see problems under W2K3 - there is some strangeness under
W2K8 (especially anything lower than R2).

>Off the topic of bacula for a second, what did you mean by  "PS MS SQL
>Server v5 is involved here." ?  Did you mean MS SQL 2005 or MySql 5?
>MySQL does not support VSS.  MS SQL does (but only in the 2005 and later
>version I presume) but if your db is doing a lot of writes I wouldn't rely
>on it--for trying to do a fully 100% safe restore of a database engine (or
>anything else if you're not wanting writes made after you back it up to be
>lost completely) you really need to shut the db engine down, take the
>backup, then work on the restore.  Otherwise you risk having people think
>stuff got updated when those updates are about to get lost.  For regular
>backups, it's not necessary to shut the db down but if you know you're
>going to wipe the drive after the backup you really want to eliminate all
>writes that can't be lost before taking the final backup.

We have written our own tool to do the MSSQL backup - currently we are
backing up at least 100 MSSQL instances without any major pain.

>     Bob
>> From: Bruno Friedmann <>
>> Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] bare metal windows server 2003 restore
>> To:
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
>> Hi Gavin
>> How would you restore a VSS snapshot without having VSS ( in you linux live 
>> cd ) ?
>> That's the real question.
>> So yes yours steps are naive (in my opinion). What is described in the wiki 
>> are the rights step.
>> Otherwise, if you don't change your hardware, and just want to arrange some 
>> partionning, with the help of having store place
>> somewhere ( network or usb ) you could do it directly offline with a live cd 
>> ( systemrescuecd ) and ntfsclone
>> save all your data, adjust partitionning , save the mbr ( but you don't need 
>> to change it )
>> and restore with ntfsclone.
>> You're done ... and yes no need of bacula ( but I would certainly have a 
>> full backup of the system )
>> don't forget to generate the system state snapshot like mentionned in wiki 
>> if you are not doing it already ...
>> Do a chkdsk /F and a reboot before cloning just to be sure ntfs are in good 
>> shape.
>> On 06/11/2010 03:57 PM, Gavin McCullagh wrote:
>>> > Hi,
>>> >
>>> > we have a windows server 2003 server here and realised that its disk setup
>>> > is in such a bad way that we want to reinstall it.  Never having done one,
>>> > we thought it would be nice to try a bare metal restore of the machine 
>>> > from
>>> > the backups (to spare disks).  Both c:\ and d:\ drives are entirely backed
>>> > up by Bacula using VSS.
>>> >
>>> > I was expecting to:
>>> >
>>> > 1. Put a linux live cd in the server and boot it.
>>> > 2. Partition the disk(s) appropriately.  Format them appropriately (NTFS).
>>> > 3. Start a bacula-fd in linux.
>>> > 4. Tell the bacula-dir to restore that server entirely through the running
>>> >    bacula-fd (probably need to do c:\ and d:\ separately).
>>> > 5. Restore the MBR somehow (windows recovery cd maybe?)
>>> > 6. Cross my fingers and reboot.
>>> >
>>> > However, when I looked at the wiki, I found this article which seems a
>>> > little more complex.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Are my steps [1-5] extremely naive?  Would that not work?  Do I have to go
>>> > the way the wiki page says?  I thought I recalled someone suggesting that
>>> > [1-6] should work.
>>> >
>>> > Many thanks in advance for any info,
>>> >
>>> > Gavin
>>> >
>>> > PS MS SQL Server v5 is involved here.  Should having VSS mean that's okay
>>> > to just restore directly?  We do have database backups if need be, but it
>>> > would be nice if that wasn't needed.
>>> >
>>> >
>> -- Bruno Friedmann
>ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate
>GeekDad Father's Day Giveaway. ONE MASSIVE PRIZE to the
>lucky parental unit.  See the prize list and enter to win:
>Bacula-users mailing list

Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards

Henrik Johansen
Tlf. 75 53 35 00

ScanNet Group
A/S ScanNet 

ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate 
GeekDad Father's Day Giveaway. ONE MASSIVE PRIZE to the 
lucky parental unit.  See the prize list and enter to win:
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