I need to restore a directory from last nights backup. I have the
restore running but it is waiting to mount the volume.
when I try to mount the volume, I can only mount the storage volume
"File1" not the volume "hardware-0047" that is on this disk.
I need this quickly, so any help would be great.
03-Jun 10:47 distress-sd JobId 351: Please mount Volume "hardware-0047" for:
Job: RestoreHardware.2010-06-03_10.19.41_17
Storage: "FileStorage" (/backup0/DBB)
Pool: Restore
Media type: File
the volume is in this
Storage {
Name = File1 # used for home/hardware
# Do not use "localhost" here
Address = distress # N.B. Use a fully qualified name here
SDPort = 9103
Password = ""
Device = FileStorage1
Media Type = File
How do you mount the file on the storage volume?
Jerold Lowry
IT Manager / Software Engineer
Engineering Design Team (EDT), Inc. a HEICO company
1400 NW Compton Drive, Suite 315
Beaverton, Oregon 97006 (U.S.A.)
Phone: 503-690-1234 / 800-435-4320
Fax: 503-690-1243
Web: _www.edt.com <http://www.edt.com/>_
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