Bacula 5.0.1 Bacula Server is multihomed. One network is fast, the other is slow. Some clients are single homed on the slow network. Some are dual homed with fast and slow networks. On the dual homed clients I'm trying to use the fast network for backup.
My client configs in the bacula-dir.conf use ip addresses, ensuring that the director will contact the FD on the correct network. The storage resource defined in the bacula-dir.conf has an address on the slow network. This address is passed to a file daemon by the director. The FD will then connect to the address of the SD as supplied by the DIR. What I need is for the director to selectively pass the proper ip address. It would be nice if the storage resource could be defined with multiple addresses (default and alternates), then allow the client resource directives to override the default storage address, selecting an alternate address. Is there any way I can achieve my goal of having some clients talk to the SD on the fast network and some clients on the slow network? If the address of the storage resource as specified in the director is a name, is it resolved by the director or passed to the client as a name? If passed as a name, requiring the client to resolve, this would allow me to handle it on the client. Any thoughts? Thanks. Dean Hall Engineering Manager | Sterling Communications, Inc. 503.906.8237 | 503.603.1879 fax | <> Voice | Internet | Fax | CoLocation Learn more | <>
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