The problem had nothing to do with the scratch pool. That was just 
coincidence because this pool was in the job definition for the copy job.
My first thought was to simply write any pool with a "Next Pool" directive 
in the job definition and overwrite this in the schedule. That worked fine 
for one job. But then I tested with two jobs. The first job kinda worked 
in that it wanted to use the right pools but the second job still wanted 
to use the pool defined in the job resource. That seems buggy (?).

The only solution I could come up with was to define a job for every pool 
and a new schedule for each of these jobs. I guess this would work (will 
test later when I wrote the configs) but that seems like an aweful lot of 
duplicated text in the files and is probably hard to maintain.

Is noone using backups on the server and copying them to different pools? 
How do you do it? I'm glad for any ideas.

Thanks, Chris

----- Weitergeleitet von Chris Keschnat/infoquenz am 07.05.2010 13:16 

Chris Keschnat/infoquenz 
06.05.2010 13:10
Bitte antworten an


copy jobs and scratch pools

I'm having a problem copying jobs. I labeled a new volume in the pool 
"DailyScratch" with the label command. Then I ran a job using the pool 
"ThursdayOD". As expected, bacula took the volume from the Scratch Pool 
and moved it to the other pool. Backup ran without errors, "list volumes" 
shows that the volume is in the "ThursdayOD" pool.

But now when I start the copyjob I just get an error:
06-Mai 13:05 bacula-dir JobId 0: Fatal error: No Next Pool specification 
found in Pool "DailyScratch".

It wouldn't make much sense to define the Next Pool in the Scratch Pool as 
that will be used by several pools. I would have expected bacula to use 
the Next Pool directive from the "ThursdayOD" configuration as that is 
where the volume is in. Is this a bug or am I missing something?

Relevant configuration:

JobDefs {
    Name = "CopyDefault"
    Type = Copy
    Messages = Standard
    Storage = "usbchanger2"
    Client = None
    FileSet = None
    Selection Type = PoolUncopiedJobs
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
    SpoolData = No
    Allow Duplicate Jobs = Yes
    Cancel Queued Duplicates = No
    Cancel Running Duplicates = No
    Priority = 11

Pool {
  Name = DailyScratch
  Pool Type = Backup

Pool {
    Name = Thursday
    Pool Type = Backup
    Storage = usbchanger1
    Recycle = yes
    AutoPrune = yes
    Volume Retention = 5 days
    Maximum Volume Bytes = 4608M

Pool {
    Name = ThursdayOD
    Pool Type = Backup
    Storage = File
    Recycle = yes
    AutoPrune = yes
    Volume Retention = 12 hours
    Maximum Volume Bytes = 4608M
    ScratchPool = DailyScratch
    Recycle Pool = DailyScratch
    NextPool = Thursday


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