
I've got followin configuration:

JobDefs {
   Name = PcBackup
   Schedule = PcSchedule
   Storage = File
   Messages = Standard
   Pool = Default
   Write Bootstrap = "%c_%n.bsr"
   Type = Backup
   Accurate = yes
   Reschedule On Error = yes
   Reschedule Times = 480
   Reschedule Interval = 15 minutes
   Full Backup Pool = FullTwoMonths
   Incremental Backup Pool = IncOneMonth
   Differential Backup Pool = IncOneMonth

Job {
   Name = "dragonfly-pc1-job"
   Enabled = yes
   Client = "dragonfly-pc1-fd"
   JobDefs = PcBackup
   FileSet = dragonflypc1

# wypełnij + zmiany w Job, żeby backup'ować jakiś wyjątkowy zestaw  
FileSet {
   Name = dragonflypc1
   Enable VSS = yes
   Include {
     Options { signature=SHA1 }
     File = C:/Users

When I run estimate - I get:

2000 OK estimate files=70,348 bytes=56,512,101,229

So about 56GB of data. When I start Full backup manually - my disk  
volume grows to (ls -l ...):

-rw-r--r-- 1 bacula tape 108655333376 2010-05-02 02:05 full- 

so around 102GB.

I cannot figrue out, where the problem is - it seems, that bacula  
copies data twice. Target host is Windows Vista, and I try to backup  
all profiles from it.

Any ideas?
Grzegorz Marszałek

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