Hi all!

I'm attempting to plan the jobs so that the first and third Sunday is
made a full backup and the rest of the days is made a differential
backup. For this I'm using the following syntax:

Schedule {
 Name = "WeeklyCycle"
 Run = Level=Full FullPool=Full 1st 3rd sun at 0:00
 Run = Level=Differential FullPool=Full DifferentialPool=Incremental 
mon-sat,2nd sun at 0:00

Then I have the following schedule for the Bacula server:

Schedule {
  Name = "WeeklyCycleAfterBackup"
  Run = Level=Full Pool=Full sun-sat at 0:05

But I see that yesterday only last one was executed. In order to obtain
the behavior that I said above, would I have to correct the syntax that
I'm using in first schedule?

Thanks in advance for your reply.

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