
Thanks for your answer.

After reading the documentation, I just realized that when restoring a directory (restore command, option 11 :Enter a list of directories to restore for found JobIds)
, only files will be restored, subdirectories will not be restored unless you explicitly enter their names.

would anybody know another way to restore a specific directory and all its files + subdirectories?



Craig Ringer wrote:
Olivier Riche wrote:

I am using bacula 5.0.1 on linux opensuse 64bits and would like to 
report a strange behaviour for the restore directory feature.

When I restore a user's directory using bconsole, some sub-folders are 
missing and are not restored.

How are you restoring? Using a file list and "mark" ? A "restore all" ?

If you enable detailed logging of restored files (see the manual for the
messages section), does bacula-dir *think* it's restoring them?

Craig Ringer


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