Hi and thanks for your response...

drescherjm how would you get it to do that?? I am a complete beginner to this 
type of scripting!!!
At the moment here is an example of what my files look like:-

my bacula.sh file:-

#! /bin/bash

Vol=$(echo "st storage=DEV6-Changer" | bconsole | grep Volume: | cut -d':' -f2)
echo $Vol
/etc/bacula/bconsole -c bin/bconsole.conf </bin/baculacommands.sh
exit 0

For my baculacommands.sh file i have something like:-

I just want to add the $Vol name that I have found from my first file to the 
bottom of my second file - but am clueless as to how to pass the variable to 
this file...

Hope this is clearer...

Thanks for any help I recieve in advance! :)

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