Hello all

I have an ubuntu (8.04.3) server where I use bacula to make backups of the 
files stored on the server. Ive been trying to find a solution (with no luck) 
trying to succesfully implement the following:-

A Backup tape for each day of the week besides Thurs which is resused on a 
weekly basis.

For the thursday tapes we have a backup tape corresponding to the week number 
that the thursday falls so for the first thursday of the month it would be 
ThursOne For example. These tapes are resued on a monthly basis. We then have a 
monthly tape that is used on the last thursday of the month. These tapes will 
be resused on a yearly basis.

Another requirement is just in case a tape is accidently not changed a backup 
should still occur regardless of what tape is in the drive (so if its tuesday 
and mondays tape is still in the tape drive it should rewrite the tape).

I did have this successfully set up where the tape was appeneded after each use 
rather than being recycled after the nightly backup. But then after a few weeks 
I would have to manually purge tapes when they became full (which isnt ideal - 
as Im not always in the office so in my absence it may be that a backup may not 
take place), so have been playing around and have now got the tapes to be 
marked as used after a max of 2 jobs (so the backup of the files and the 
catalog of the night). I also added this line 'Recycle Current Volume = yes' so 
that it would hopefully recycle the volume in the drive.

However what I am finding is that the tape that should be recycled is not, but 
in yesterday case the Mondays tape was recycled rather than the Tuesday 
although Mondays was the last written so Im not even sure why it choose to 
recycle this tape...

Any ideas as to how I would implement the above with the requirements...

Another idea is for a script to run before the job that would purge the current 
tape and recycle it so that the backup occurs on this tape. Any idea how to 
write such a script - as I would have no clue!!!

Thanks in advance for any help!!!

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