--- On Mon, 4/12/10, Phil Stracchino <ala...@metrocast.net> wrote:

> >   File Retention = 1 days
> >   Job Retention = 6 months
> > }
> > ===
> > 
> > Is the client specific "File Retention" causing my
> problem?
> Yes, that's exactly the problem.
> >I'm also a bit confused (obviously) with:
> >    File Retention
> >    Job Retention
> >    Volume Retention
> >    Volume Use Duration
> Basically, whichever is the SHORTEST of the retention
> settings will
> dictate when data begins getting pruned.  In most
> cases, you probably
> want all three retention settings to be the same.
> Volume Use Duration is not a retention setting at all; it
> is the time
> window during which data may be written to the volume,
> starting from
> when it is first written after creation or recycling. 
> When that window
> ends, the volume will be marked Used even if not full, and
> no new jobs
> not already running will be allowed to write to it. 
> (I'm honestly not
> certain what happens to the running job if the use duration
> expires
> while a job is still writing to the volume; I've never
> tried it.)
> If all your clients will have the same settings, then I
> would remofe the
> File Retention setting from your clients altogether. 
> Unless a specific
> client NEEDS its retention settings to be different from
> the Pool
> defaults, there's no reason to have retention settings in
> the client
> resource at all.

  It's still using a new file every night.  Here's the top of the 'messages' 
log, if it's any help:

12-Apr 23:05 backula-dir JobId 160: No prior Full backup Job record found.
12-Apr 23:05 backula-dir JobId 160: No prior or suitable Full backup found in 
catalog. Doing FULL backup.
12-Apr 23:05 backula-dir JobId 160: Start Backup JobId 160, 
12-Apr 23:05 backula-dir JobId 160: Using Device "FileStorage"
12-Apr 23:05 backula-sd JobId 160: Volume "disk_0002" previously written, 
moving to end of data.
12-Apr 23:05 backula-sd JobId 160: Ready to append to end of Volume "disk_0002" 
12-Apr 23:05 backula-sd JobId 160: Job write elapsed time = 00:00:19, Transfer 
rate = 132.2 M Bytes/second
12-Apr 23:05 backula-dir JobId 160: Bacula backula-dir 5.0.1 (24Feb10): 
12-Apr-2010 23:05:29

I made all those settings be 9 days, as you suggested.  So, currently, I have:

no 'retention' definitions in any of my "Client" sections.

# Default pool definition
Pool {
Name = Default
  Pool Type = Backup
Recycle = yes
 AutoPrune = yes
Job Retention = 9 days
Volume Retention = 9 day

# File Pool definition
Pool {
  Name = File
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes
  AutoPrune = yes
  Job Retention = 9 days
  Volume Retention = 9 days
  Volume Use Duration = 23h
  Maximum Volume Bytes = 1400G
  Maximum Volumes = 10

Could it be the "Volume Use Retetion" ?  Currently, my backups run fast since 
there are only 2 clients.  So, if they're done within an hour, maybe this 
setting isn't doing what it would normally do when backups take a few hours to 


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