On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 02:42:15PM +0200, Koldo Santisteban wrote:
> Hello
> I am working with bacula 5.0.1. On first stage i setup the server with
> bacula 5.0.1 and Mysql, but, when i need to restore i have found that "the
> bulid tree process" take 10-12 hours (or more). I have read all about this

Could you share more info on your environment ? MySQL version (and
specific settings like MyISAM/InnoDB buffers etc), hardware specs,
number of records in various tables (count(*) in File, Job, Path,


If you look into:

it seems that the issue is only with bacula 5 series; bacula 3.0.3 and
lower are *much* faster (less then 10 minutes instead of 20+ hours).
The bug is being looked into currently.

Apart from this bug, there is also a discussion on this list with
subject "VirtualFull mysql query blocks other jobs for a?long time"
which tackles wider SQL issues...

> issues and i can see that no exists any "magic" solution. In order to solve
> it, i have migrate from mysql to postgre, but i can see the same symtopms.

Again, more data ? PostgreSQL version ? is it any faster (it should
be about 600% faster on same datasets according to links above) or
not ?

> Perhaps it works better, but, in my opnion, this is not serios on a
> production environment.

I agree. Apart from downgrading (which could be quite ok for you, but
it was not possible for us for other issues, like bug 1528) you could
reduce your file retention (it helps greatly)

Anyway, if you can, downgrade to 3.0.3; if you can't, look into bug
1472 and share your info.

> If it´s possible, i will appreciate it people share their experience with
> bacula last version and this kind of issues. A couple of month ago i
> finished to deploy bacula on my environment, but now, i am considering to go
> back all.

see the http://bugs.bacula.org/view.php?id=1472 for my info, and also
for things that fix it (like undefining new_db_get_file_list in

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