On 12/04/10 19:19, Dominique Jeannerod wrote:
> One up on this question please.
> I can’t get the auto-labeling function to work as expected

Works for me on bacula 3.0.x.

> Does anyone use the same functions : backup to disk, auto-label of
> volumes, and auto-recycling ?


> What happens now is that old volumes are recycled as they should be, but
> new volumes are not created when needed, and I’m getting the famous
> message :

You've probably just set retention periods in your pools such that 
bacula isn't allowed to recycle any of the used volumes, nor is it 
allowed to create any new ones (due to max volumes) so it's asking you 
for help. Try "list volumes" and look at the retention periods.

Remember that at any time you must have one volume free and ready for 
recycling. If you have retention of 4 weeks, a schedule that runs one 
job a week, and max volumes = 4 in the pool you *will* run out of 
volumes, because one hasn't been purged before the next run. Set your 
retention to 22 days (3*7+1) or set max volumes to 5.

Another cause for running out of volumes is when you've manually run a 
job which has a pool with quite tight retention periods and max volumes 
settings. The manually run job uses a volume from the pool, so later 
there aren't enough free so everything grinds to a halt. Hard to say 
what Bacula *should* do in this situation, but it's current approach 
ain't helpful.

I really wish bacula, when it ran out of volumes, would emit a useful 
message like:

"Bacula-dir: Unable to obtain volume from pool {pool-name}. No existing 
volumes may be recycled due to retention rules, and max volumes = 
{value} prevents automatic labeling of a new volume."

Instead, it just emails you to ask you to mount a volume, which isn't 
exactly helpful.

Craig ringer

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