On Wed, Apr 07, 2010 at 08:22:09AM -0700, ebollengier wrote:
> I tweaked my test to compare both queries, and it shows no difference with
> and without base job part... If you want to test queries on your side with
> your data, you can download my tool (accurate-test.pl) on
> http://bacula.git.sourceforge.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=bacula/docs;a=tree;f=docs/techlogs;hb=HEAD
> If you can tweak my script to reproduce your problem, i would be able to fix
> things.
> http://old.nabble.com/file/p28166612/diff-with-without-basejob.png 
I'm currently running your script to generate the test database. I think
that is going to take a long time, so I'll leave it overnight.

Meanwhile (unless I misunderstand), I think that your graph is labelled

When I'm generating the file records, I get this:

JobId=10 files=200000
Insert takes 445secs for 2000000 records
JobId=13 files=20000
Insert takes 54secs for 200000 records

So, JobIds 10 + 13:
                   220000 files
                  2200000 records

Your script says:
do_bench("10,13", 2200000);
This is obviously the records number.

Your graph uses this bigger number and labels it 'Files'.

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