On 4/6/2010 8:42 AM, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> On 04/06/10 02:37, Craig Ringer wrote:
>> Is this insane? Or a viable approach to tackling some of the
>> complexities of faking tape backup on disk as Bacula currently tries to do?
> Well, just off the top of my head, the first thing that comes to mind is
> that the only ways such a scheme is not going to result in massive disk
> fragmentation are:
>   (a) it's built on top of a custom filesystem with custom device drivers
> to allow pre-positioning of volumes spaced across the disk surface, in
> which case it's going to be horribly slow because it's going to spend
> almost all its time seeking track-to-track; or

I disagree. A filesystem making use of extents and multi-block 
allocation, such as ext4, is designed for large file efficiency by 
keeping files mostly contiguous on disk. Also, filesystems with delayed 
allocation, such as ext4/XFS/ZFS, are much better at concurrent i/o than 
non-delayed allocation filesystems like ext2/3, reiser3, etc. The 
thrashing you mentioned is substantially reduced on writes, and for 
restores, the files (volumes) remain mostly contiguous. So with a modern 
filesystem, concurrent jobs writing to separate volume files will be 
pretty much as efficient as concurrent jobs writing to the same volume 
file, and restores will be much faster with no job interleaving.

>   (b) it writes to raw devices and one volume is one spindle, in which
> case you pretty much lose all the flexibility of using disk storage, and
> you need large numbers of spindles for the large numbers of concurrent
> volumes you want.  To all practical purposes, you would be replacing
> "simulating tape on disk" with using disks as though they were tapes.
> You could possibly simplify some of the issues involved in (a) by making
> it a FUSE userspace filesystem, but then you add the two drawbacks that
> (1) it's probably going to be slow, because userspace filesystems
> usually are, and (2) it'll only be workable on Linux.
> Now, all you're going to gain from this is non-interleaved disk volumes,
> and that's basically going to help you only during restores.  So you're
> sacrificing the common case to optimize for the rare case.  You mention
> spool files, but the obvious question there is, if you're backing up to
> disk anyway, why use spooling at all?  The purpose of disk spooling was
> to buffer between clients and tape devices.  When backing up to disk,
> there's really not a lot of point in spooling at all.  What you really
> want is de-interleaving.  Correct?
> As has already been discussed, you can achieve this end by creating
> multiple storage devices on the same disk pool and assigning one storage
> device per client, but this will result in massive disk fragmentation -
> and, honestly, you'll be no better off.

I don't think it will result in massive disk fragmentation when a modern 
filesystem like ext4, ZFS, etc. is used.

> If what you want is to de-interleave your backups, then look into the
> Migration function.  You can allow backups to run normally, then Migrate
> one job at a time to a new device, which will give you non-interleaved
> jobs on the output volume.  But you're still not guaranteed that the
> output volume will be unfragmented, because you don't have control over
> the disk space allocation scheme; and you're still sacrificing the
> common case to optimize for the rare case.

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