
I'm using directive "Allow Higher Duplicates = no" in 5.0, but I find its 
behaviour a bit false in case "Rerun Failed Levels = yes" is set - cancelled 
duplicate job makes the same level to be ran again. The problematic in this 
behaviour is this use-case:
1) a full job is ran
2) another full job is ran - it's cancelled as duplicate
3) the 1st full job finishes successfully
4) if you run incremental now, it will be upgraded to full, because of the 
cancelled duplicate job

The problem is reported in http://bugs.bacula.org/view.php?id=1507, but as 
Kern explains there, it's not so trivial fixing this.

Maybe the community has any good ideas for this?

PS. Using "Max Full Interval" with "Rerun Failed Levels = no" could help 
somewhat, but I guess it doesn't fix the same loop-hole for level 
differential, ie. it could still mess up a bit of GFS rotation.


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