Arthur Emerson III wrote:
> I'm having a hard time visualizing how this can be
> done within the current Bacula architecture.  Where do
> you run the File Daemon?  Not everyone has a Windows-based
> vSphere management server.

The FD could run on any server you had available - a vSphere server, a
backup server, whatever, so long as it had access to the ESX servers
and/or the LUNs your VMs are on if they're on a SAN. VADP can apparently
back up either direct from the SAN or through the ESX(i) host.

But for those transitioning from VCB, they would have a proxy host
running anyway, so if there was a simple program to replace vcbMounter
and similarly be called by a RunBeforeJob, it would be an easy
transition. But I'm not aware that such a thing currently exists.

Thanks for your thoughts,


Craig Holyoak
IT Support Officer @ Redlands College

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