15 марта 2010 г. 17:44 пользователь Beck J Mr
> You don't need anything in fstab for this to work; get rid of that line if
> you don't need it for anything else.
> You need to tell the mount command which disk volume to mount. I think
> bacula.conf should read:
> Mount Command = "/bin/mount
> /dev/disk/by-uuid/44a05141-9107-4288-bc71-1ccdaa04d0b1 %m"
> Unmount Command = "/bin/umount %m"
> If anybody has a better way of doing this, please feel free to correct me
> :)
> James
Hello, James
Thanks for answer
I change Mount command as U was sad, but it do not work.
In /var/log/bacula/log I see next:
16-Mar 23:05 vanuch-sd JobId 80: Please mount Volume "Volumes0007" or label
a new one for:
Job: Client1.2010-03-16_23.05.00.03
Storage: "FileStorage" (/backup)
Pool: Default
Media type: File
17-Mar 00:05 vanuch-sd JobId 80: Please mount Volume "Volumes0007" or label
a new one for:
Job: Client1.2010-03-16_23.05.00.03
Storage: "FileStorage" (/backup)
Pool: Default
Media type: File
an in mount -l absent mount point /backup
Bacula can not mount it.
I think - maybe user bacula can not permissions for run this command and add
to sudoers next:
bacula ALL = NOPASSWD: /bin/mount,/bin/umount
bat this do not help me.
Do you have some others ideas?
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Feci, quod potui, faciant meliora potentes
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