Hi !

On 3/11/10 3:40 AM, Norberto Meijome wrote:
> But it has no effect . I get 2 jobs running in parallel (for a short
> while, until the pre-script kills it). If I change the director's Max
> Concurrent Jobs to 1, then it's forced to 1 (but i need more than one,
> as I as have spooling enabled and other jobs writing to the tape too..)
> What is going on ?

Besides the hint about duplicate job control that might or might not
work depending on your configuration i have another one.

I assume you those jobs all run on the same Client. Just specify maximum
concurrent jobs = 1 in the client-resource (bacula-dir.conf) for that
client and it will never run more than one job simultaneously.

Be sure that you don´t do this in the bacula-fd config because you can´t
check the FDs status anymore when a backup job is running (backup +
fd-status check = 2 jobs).

Best regards,

Daniel Holtkamp

Riege Software International GmbH  Fon: +49 (2159) 9148 0
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