Hello all:

Due to space limitations on our virtual tape library I would like to
re-use the same pool for weekly full backups.  This particular job
does not have any incremental backups configured.  The full backup is
about 1.2 terabytes in size and it spans two 800GB volumes in the
pool.  I'd like to make one full backup each week, over-writing the
previous week's backup each time.  During the time between each Bacula
job I plan to duplicate the virtual tapes onto physical ones and take
them off-site.

Does this Pool configuration look right to you?  If my volumes are
properly labeled will it be able to run on it's own each week,
recycling the same two virtual tapes each time?

Pool {
  Name = BackupPC_pool
  Pool Type = Backup
  Volume Retention = 6 days
  Recycle = yes
  AutoPrune = yes
  UseVolumeOnce = yes



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