2010/3/3 Daniel Hansen <dhan...@byu.net>:
> I just upgraded the backup server that we use for staging to bacula 5.0.1,
> as I wanted to test the new functionality of being able to perform a virtual
> full backup to the same pool. However, after adding the necessary changes to
> have virtual fulls backup to the same pool, I am unable to get the job to
> run. When I first run the job, the director hangs for a number of seconds.
> Once it is done hanging, I am able to get the director status, but I notice
> this message:
> Running Jobs:
> Console connected at 03-Mar-10 16:15
>  JobId Level   Name                       Status
> ======================================================================
>   8463 Virtual  fslbackup_server.2010-03-03_15.55.48_06 is waiting on
> Storage fslbackup-sd
> The job waits indefinitely on the storage daemon and never runs. What could
> be going on here?
> Thanks,

How about status storage?


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