Hi, I am trying to install bacula 5.0.1 on a new backup server. I have attached the error that I am getting during the make and the config.out. The server configuration is:
fedora 12 x86_64
mysql 5.1.42
bacula src 5.0.1
Any ideas as to why this is failing?  Also, if I include 'enable-bat' 
after installing depkgs-qt and sourcing the qt directories the bacula 
configure does  not see that qt is installed.

Jerold Lowry
IT Manager / Software Engineer
Engineering Design Team (EDT), Inc. a HEICO company
1400 NW Compton Drive, Suite 315
Beaverton, Oregon 97006 (U.S.A.)
Phone: 503-690-1234 / 800-435-4320
Fax: 503-690-1243
Web: _www.edt.com <http://www.edt.com/>_

Configuration on Tue Mar  2 10:02:32 PST 2010:

   Host:                    x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -- redhat 
   Bacula version:          Bacula 5.0.1 (24 February 2010)
   Source code location:    .
   Install binaries:        /usr/bacula/bin
   Install libraries:       /usr/lib64
   Install config files:    /usr/bacula/bin
   Scripts directory:       /usr/bacula/bin
   Archive directory:       /tmp
   Working directory:       /var/run/bacula/working
   PID directory:           /var/run/bacula
   Subsys directory:        /var/run/bacula/working
   Man directory:           ${datarootdir}/man
   Data directory:          /usr/share
   Plugin directory:        /usr/lib64
   C Compiler:              gcc 4.4.2
   C++ Compiler:            /usr/lib64/ccache/g++ 4.4.2
   Compiler flags:           -g -O2 -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-exceptions 
   Linker flags:             
   Libraries:               -lpthread -ldl 
   Statically Linked Tools: no
   Statically Linked FD:    no
   Statically Linked SD:    no
   Statically Linked DIR:   no
   Statically Linked CONS:  no
   Database type:           MySQL
   Database port:            
   Database lib:            -L/usr/lib64/mysql -lmysqlclient_r -lz
   Database name:           bacula
   Database user:           bacula

   Job Output Email:        jlo...@edt.com
   Traceback Email:         jlo...@edt.com
   SMTP Host Address:       mailhost.edt.com

   Director Port:           9101
   File daemon Port:        9102
   Storage daemon Port:     9103

   Director User:           
   Director Group:          
   Storage Daemon User:     
   Storage DaemonGroup:     
   File Daemon User:        
   File Daemon Group:       

   SQL binaries Directory   /usr/bin

   Large file support:      yes
   Bacula conio support:    yes -ltermcap
   readline support:        no 
   TCP Wrappers support:    no 
   TLS support:             yes
   Encryption support:      yes
   ZLIB support:            yes
   enable-smartalloc:       yes
   enable-lockmgr:          no
   bat support:             no
   enable-gnome:            no 
   enable-bwx-console:      no 
   enable-tray-monitor:     yes
   client-only:             no
   build-dird:              yes
   build-stored:            yes
   Plugin support:          yes
   ACL support:             yes
   XATTR support:           yes
   Python support:          no 
   Batch insert enabled:    yes

CLFLAGS="-g -02" ./configure --sbindir=/usr/bacula/bin 
--sysconfdir=/usr/bacula/bin --with-pid-dir=/var/run/bacula 
--with-subsys-dir=/var/run/bacula/working --enable-smartalloc --with-mysql 
--with-working-dir=/var/run/bacula/working --with-dump-email=jlo...@edt.com 
--with-job-email=jlo...@edt.com --with-smtp-host=mailhost.edt.com 
--docdir=/var/run/bacula/doc --enable-tray-monitor

make[1]: Entering directory `/database/bacula-5.0.1/src/lib'
Compiling attr.c
Compiling base64.c
Compiling berrno.c
Compiling bsys.c
Compiling bget_msg.c
Compiling bnet.c
Compiling bnet_server.c
Compiling runscript.c
Compiling bsock.c
Compiling bpipe.c
Compiling bsnprintf.c
Compiling btime.c
Compiling cram-md5.c
Compiling crc32.c
Compiling crypto.c
crypto.c: In function ‘ASN1_OCTET_STRING* openssl_cert_keyid(X509*)’:
crypto.c:333: error: invalid conversion from ‘const X509V3_EXT_METHOD*’ to 
crypto.c: In function ‘CRYPTO_SESSION* crypto_session_new(crypto_cipher_t, 
crypto.c:1102: error: cannot convert ‘unsigned char*’ to 
‘EVP_PKEY_CTX*’ for argument ‘1’ to ‘int 
EVP_PKEY_encrypt(EVP_PKEY_CTX*, unsigned char*, size_t*, const unsigned char*, 
crypto.c: In function ‘crypto_error_t crypto_session_decode(const u_int8_t*, 
u_int32_t, alist*, CRYPTO_SESSION**)’:
crypto.c:1226: error: cannot convert ‘unsigned char*’ to 
‘EVP_PKEY_CTX*’ for argument ‘1’ to ‘int 
EVP_PKEY_decrypt(EVP_PKEY_CTX*, unsigned char*, size_t*, const unsigned char*, 
make[1]: *** [crypto.lo] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/database/bacula-5.0.1/src/lib'

  ====== Error in /database/bacula-5.0.1/src/lib ======

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