Am Tue, 02 Mar 2010 07:28:21 -0800 schrieb gnowar:

> Because I change tape everyday during 20 days.
> It easyer to know wich tape I need if the volume name include the date
> and time isn't it ?

do you write the new tape labels on the tape every time you put the new 
one in it? or how do you read the tape label "manually"?

> Define the label format like I did does impact the recycle fonction of
> bacula ?
> What should be set in the label format ?

you could use "Day-" as label Format. Bacula will then append a number to 
it. or label them once manually. 

be sure to set Retention times on the pool (e.g. for your schedule maybe 
18 days) and and a use duration (maybe 1 day as you change it on a daily 

- Thomas

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