I am using bacula and a vtl (mhvtl) which actually works very nice.

Now I am experimenting with the WORM cartridges setting of mhvtl and 
tried to get bacula to work with it.

Here is what works:

- Write data on the cartridge and rewind -> ok
- Verify the data written -> ok
- Try to write data again -> error -> that's what it should do
- Add another set of data behind the data (mt -f /dev/nst0 EOD, and a 
new tar command) -> ok
- Verify that both sets can be retrieved -> ok

So, so far so good.

When I add this WORM tape to a bacula pool, I had to label it. 
Unfortunately, I am not able to use the tape
as bacula rewrites the label again when trying to use it, and gets an 
error from the drive. Well, that's
what I think is going wrong. So, is it actually possible to use a WORM 
cartridge in bacula? And how
do I do it?


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