I want to check several directors at the same time - in the same page.

Em 28/2/2010 04:30, Yuri Timofeev escreveu:

Now Webacula can not work with several Directors and Catalog databases.
However, there are no fundamental limitations for this.
For Webacula is possible to work with different Directors and Catalog
databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL, Sqlite) simultaneously.
It must be remembered that the Director can work with multiple Catalog
This Webacula will need to know what Catalog databases can run a
particular Director
(You will have to describe it manually in Webacula ini-file). To avoid
a mishmash.
But this is your problem;)

Please describe to what exactly the goals you need this feature.

And how exactly do you want to work with several Directors and Catalog

I mean the sequence of actions:

Variant # 1. You start your browser and point to which the Director
and which Catalog database you want to work in
current session. In any browser window (or tab)  you are working with
the same Director and Catalog
(which you have chosen in the beginning).

Variant # 2. You have opened several windows (tabs) browser, and in
each browser window you want to work with differents
Directors and differents Catalog databases.

Variant #X - [your variant here].

The best way to create a Feature request here:

Maillist [Bacula-users] I read irregularly.

2010/2/26 Heitor Faria<hei...@bacula.com.br>:
Hi folks,

I know it isnt a Bacula - but webacula question.
Anyone knows if its possible for webacula to check multiple directors


Heitor Faria

Heitor Medrado de Faria
Fundador da Comunidade Bacula no Brasil [www.bacula.com.br]
MSN: hei...@bacula.com.br
Gtalk: heitorfa...@gmail.com
Skype: neocodeheitor
+ 55 71 9132-3349
+55 71 3381-6869

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